La revista Information Technologies and International Development ha publicado un doble número sobre el World Summit on the Information Society:
... In the printed issue we have collected 37 essays creating a unique resource for scholars, activists, and practitioners trying to understand the substance and the politics of the Summit. In addition, we are offering an online resource containing an additional 82 papers along with interactive spaces for you to add your own reactions and critiques.
Contributors to the volume and webspace represent the widest possible range of perspectives, regions and professions, from the global South and the North, from sharp critics to ardent supporters, from observers based in government, the private sector, civil society, universities and international organizations. The essays are grouped by broad category including Context and Setting; Critical Themes; Normative Frameworks; Voices and Participation; Globalization and Development; and Outcomes and Paths to Tunis ...
La mayor parte de artículos del número especial están disponibles sólo para suscriptores. Los documentos adicionales y foros se encuentran en la web The World Summit in Reflection.