Kargah.com es un sitio donde se alojan imágenes de la obra de numerosos artistas iraníes (literalmente cientos): escultores, pintores, diseñadores gráficos, fotógrafos, ... Arte de todo tipo y cosas de gran calidad y, seguramente, bastante desconocidas.
Aquí traemos dos ejemplos: la fotógrafa Yasmin Etemadi y el diseñador gráfico Rohalah Shafiei.
Muchos de estos artistas viven fuera de Irán, como por ejemplo Yasmin Etemadi, que expone en Kargah la obra que realizó como respuesta al esatdo de ansiedad que le provocó el 9/11 por su doble identidad iraní y estadounidonse.
Beyond the Beyond (el blog de Bruce Sterling en Wired) enlazó con sus fotografías y la explicación de su obra:
This body of work is a reflection of the state of fear and anxiety I have been living with since September 11th, 2001. The events of that day have caused my Iranian identity to eclipse my American one and I have found myself a stranger in my own home. This sense of displacement, coupled with recent political changes, has made me question the stability of my future living in America and has forced me to re-evaluate my identity after 19 years of assimilation to the American culture.
One result of this instability has been an emergence of a paranoiac state of mind, which is expressed through my art work. The photographs presented here are a mixture of documentary and set-up scenarios that convey a narrative. In this story, the war on terrorism takes it's toll on one of it's citizens. She becomes a hunted woman, trapped inside her once secure home, living in exile from her own country. The documentary photographs included serve as evidence of the historical changes we have been witness to. These changes are reflected in the patriotic insignia and propaganda that surround us, from car stickers to subway cards. By bringing together these two different modes of representation I am attempting to blur the line between fact and fiction for my viewer.