En Worldchanging, Carbon blindness, Alex Steffen se empieza a preocupar por el éxito del activismo a favor de la lucha contra el cambio climático y ese problema se ha situado en la agenda internacional de los “tomadores de decisiones”:
For those of us who have spent years warning that climate change is a problem of the highest magnitude, these are gratifying days. Politicians, business leaders, labor unionists, celebrities and religious figures all seem, finally, to be listening to the science and beginning to hear its meaning: we must change, dramatically, at once.
Pero, este “éxito” conlleva un efecto secundario al retirar protagonismo a otros problemas ambientales también relevantes:
What is worrysome, though, is the idea, which one is beginning to hear all over the political map, that climate change trumps every other environmental issue, or, even more, that climate change is not an environmental issue at all. These arguments usually precede a call for some action which reduces carbon output but has other demonstrably negative environmental impacts, whether that's damming a river for hydropower, launching into a massive nuclear energy program or seeding the ocean to produce a plankton bloom.
Parece que, en cierto sentido, algunos de los argumentos de Bjorn Lomborg y el Consenso de Copenhague se empiezan a hacer eco entre los “bright greens”.